Girls Only Like Guys With Skills

Like the famous Fast Turtle of the Wampanoag tribe, you to can rise to glory if you posses skills that women love. But how does a man of blue collar decent make him self as sought after as a Native American pniese? The answer my arrowhead loving sachem is as simplistic as a lemonade stand on a squelching summer day. All you need is four key skills and you to will be considered for high council by any woman who strolls down your path.

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1. Communication Skills
Girls love guys who can communicate as much as they love a bubble bath for two with a fine wine and rose petals to boot. No man can compete in today's dating pool without the ability to hold a conversation, argue his point in a fight and close the deal with smooth words of endearment to cap off a night.

Milwaukee Tools

2. Tool Skills
Nothing gets a gal hotter than a man who can operate a band saw. Trust me guys, if you have skills with Milwaukee, Makita and DeWalt you will have babes crawling on you like ants on a dead bug on the floor of the Lacandon Jungle.

3. Cooking Skills
Like the Iron Chefs that grace our prime time television on Food Network, you to can wow your suitor with spatula skills. A good cook can be better than a sale on Prada purses. Therefore, if you want your lady to think you are mouth watering you must sharpen your steak knives and tenderize your meat, because cooking skills will get more than just your oven hot.

4. Foreplay Skills
I don't care if you hit a home run every time; if you don't warm up your muscles first you are bound to get hurt. It's no different with loving your lady. A man who is skilled in the art of foreplay knows that it's not about the finish rather it's all about walking up to the plate. Women love foreplay and if you have good skills in this area you're bound to hit the ball out of the park and have women lining up for your autograph.

Girls Only Like Guys With Skills
Milwaukee Tools

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